Packing Panic
Three days until departure for
- Silicon ear plugs
- An eye shield
- Lots of zip lock bags, all sizes
- A rubber door stopper for added security in hotel rooms.
- A large safety pin or a clothespin to fully close the hotel drapes.
- A washcloth because most hotels do not provide them.
- A bottle opener and corkscrew. Although I can find these in almost all countries, it’s nice to have one ready for picnics or in my hotel room for a drink before dinner.
- Individually wrapped chocolates, unless I’m going somewhere really warm. Chocolate or candy is a nice gift to offer to a desk clerk or someone who has been especially kind or helpful. If I am going to be hosted by a family, I always take a gift box of fancy chocolates.
- Photos of my family, pets, garden, holiday celebrations and home.
- Doubles of any item I “really” can’t live without -- like prescription glasses or sunglasses, and a copy of my passport, driver’s license, fingernail files, Chap Stick, and money.
The temperature on airplanes and aboard buses can vary from tropical heat to an Arctic chill. You can’t count on finding airline blankets on many flights so I’ll dress in layers for the long plane trip. I’ll also pack a sweater and socks in my carry-on bag.